Choose from several different types of Shredder categories from our menu. Paper and Multi Media Shredders come in different categories such as: small office / desk side, large office and central or department and other task oriented models. They can also be low to high security cross cut and low security strip cut security formats.
On® we have tried to provide a complete categorization based on generally accepted industry terminology. All models we carry in both Dahle and Destroyit Ideal-MBM are classified based on several factors. Both brands have their own unique categorization - but under this sub-menu we have added all encompassing office categorization for both brands. PLEASE NOTE: We are currently updating a full categorization under this menu, more will be added shortly (As of April / 2015).
You can visit this page to read more on how to choose the right shredder for your needs.
But please contact us for assistance should you have specific shredding tasks and office functions in mind.